As senior picture season starts to creep up on us I wanted to share a few tips on clothing and accessories!
The first thing to know: the photos are about you, not your clothing. But, when you feel good in the outfit you are wearing, you are going to show it in your pics! Choose clothing that fits your body. Baggy clothing can add what appears to be extra weight and also will just not lay flattering on you. On the other hand, clothing that is too small and too tight is also something to avoid. Not only will you be uncomfortable, you may not be able to sit or even move the way you want in your photographs. Start shopping 3-4 weeks prior to your shoot so you have enough time to prep. While thinking about what you are wearing, don't forget the accessories! Earrings, necklaces, bangles, rings and even hats can pull a look together and make you pop. These are your senior pictures, the one time you can really show off your personal style, so go for it!
Need ideas? Check out the images in this blog and also go to my Pinterest page for more inspiration!