Molly came from Omaha Nebraska for her senior session in Wahoo and the rain that decided to show during her session wasn't going to stop us!
This year has been unique with many of my high school seniors finding me while searching on Google. It has been so fun to meet many new seniors from outside of Wahoo. Molly is a senior at Omaha North - my first senior from this school. When I met her and her mom, Pam during her pre shoot consultation, I knew this session was going to be very laid back and fun. Molly brought many different clothing options which was awesome! I always tell seniors to bring four complete outfits that are their favorites and then also bring along two to four more options. Sometimes, I may see something that was an alternative outfit that I think would be super cool in a location I know or if I feel most of the outfits are looking very similar, I will help to choose a look that is different than the others. Variety, variety, variety!
Molly had expressed that she wanted some sort of flowers with one of her looks. I searched and found sunflowers growing in a ditch along side a gravel road just a little outside of Wahoo. Of course, now, the sunflowers are EVERYWHERE, but a month ago, we walked through weeds, hoping we wouldn't find any snakes to get to the patch of sunflowers. I always want to use a few different spots in one location, so after we got out of the weeds and back on the road, I photographed Molly right on the road before hopping back in the car.
In my eyes you can never go wrong with a little water and tall prairie grass in your senior pics. Molly's romper was the perfect look to be playing in the grass and I could pose her laying down, sitting and she could even climb down a few rocks to get to an awesome location at the lake.
If you have worked with me, you know I will use almost anything as a background or to incorporate what is surrounding us in a portrait. Buildings, sand, gas pumps are just a few things that we used during Molly's industrial look. When I saw her multi colored top, I knew exactly where I wanted to shoot her with it on - an awesome aqua tin building. I am asked how I find locations and I always answer...even when I'm not location scouting...I am location scouting. I look at everything in my little town differently now than I ever did growing up. "How can I use this in a senior portrait?" crosses my mind pretty much every day.
The area that the aqua wall was in there were many things we could use just by walking 10 steps in any direction. I had Molly change her top a few times without ever leaving this location - which gave her a lot more shooting time and proofs to choose from.
Did I mention rain? I sure did! When we got out of the car at our third location (aqua wall) it literally just started raining out of nowhere. Skies went dark and the the rain came down. We were very lucky that it passed by in about 5 minutes which always feels like much longer. Ashley told Molly to go sit in the car and we waited. Once it cleared, we got back to work!
Adding Ashley - professional makeup artist made Molly's session go smoothly and gave her what she wanted. If you noticed, Molly's hair was curly during the flowers and lake pics and the rest of her session she had straight hair. We took a small break between locations to come back to the studio and Ashley straightened Molly's hair to match the last looks.
Molly's session was one of the most diverse session I have done this year with the outfit choices to the location choices. Does this sometimes make it really hard to choose your faves...yeah it can. But I would rather you have so many choices that it's hard to choose rather than my seniors saying...I really wish I had more choices.
Jul 10, 2020, 1:01:29 PM
Kate DeCoste - Oh Molly! I am so glad you found me on Google as well! So much fun and I am in love with all of your senior pics...still!!
Sep 13, 2018, 5:48:28 PM
Molly - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE BEST EXPERIENCE EVER!!!! All the pictures turned out beautiful and I am sooo glad I found you on google haha !