Pickin' & Grinnin' with Scott Moore
It is always fun to see friends and family branch out and start making that hobby a new hustle! Since I have known Scott he has loved antiques and now he is not only collecting for himself, he will collect for you!
We had a great time during his brand session in his basement man cave so he has some pics for his website and Etsy shop. Tim helped me with lighting holding my wands and even though Scott's walls are black and could scare some photographers, I was super excited to get a cool dude vibe. Is the a thing? It is in my head. ;)
"I’d like to introduce myself. I have been an avid collector of antiques since I was a wee little lad. I can’t remember ever, not being fascinated by antiques. I remember as a child with my parents walking through antique malls and antique stores being in awe at everything I saw. My fascination with antiques has only grown the older I get. Some of what I collect a lot of for my personal collection includes several beer lights, tons of embossed bottles, and lots of records, among other things! We live in Wahoo Nebraska, and when I’m not working my day job, or with my wife and our newborn daughter, I am anywhere that sells antiques, or tending my antique booths."
"Last year I decided to start a small business called Pickin’ & Grinnin’ Antiques. If you’re looking for something specific, shoot me a message, I may have it! If not I will find it! I also have BOOTH 79 at Ardvark Antique Mall in Lincoln NE. And just started selling on Etsy- PickinGrinninAntique."
Nov 17, 2022, 7:40:23 AM
Linda Hardy - Do you buy or consign antiques/collectibles? I am paring down on things.